Sunday, May 10, 2009

100 questions

Got nothing to do. None of my friends on chat either. So let me do the right thing at such times... post a completely self-centered meme.


1. Last beverage:
Orange Juice with breakfast

2. Last phone call:
Grandma in India. Last night.

3. Last text message:
Don't have a cell phone :(

4. Last song you listened to:
American Idiot by Green Day

5. Last time you cried:
Last week. Fought with Sis and passed a judgment that I was at fault. I stormed into my room crying :D


6. Dated someone twice:
I should say "no" twice because I never dated even once. Not allowed to date yet.

7. Been cheated on? :
See answer above

8. Kissed someone & regretted it?
Nope - I have a feeling that this questionnaire for people over 30, who have been around the block a few times?

9. Lost someone special?
No, unless if I can count our pet hamster dying when I was 5 or something

10. Been depressed?
Yes, every gym class

11. Been drunk and threw up?
Haha. I wish! No.


12. Blue

13. Orange

14. White

15. Black

(Sorry to break the stereotype. Pink is not a favorite color of mine. I like pink some times but not always)


16. Made new friends:
Don't remember. Probably in my preschool

17. Fallen out of love:
Never been in love

18. Laughed until you cried:
Oh yeah! A lot of times. And got caught half the time, because, in most cases, it was in class.

19. Met someone who changed you:
This is the 'serious philosophical questions' part? I probably met a few but don't remember. May be they didn't change me enough :D

20. Found out who your true friends were:
I know my true friends, don't need to find out.

21. Found out someone was talking about you:
Haha. Happens all the time. What do you think girls do in lunch time? I keep hearing so-and-so said so-and-so about you all the time. I don't remember the first time though


22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list:
Lol no.

23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life:
Assuming friend's list on my gtalk, all of them

24. How many kids do you want to have:
Hmm... I don't think I can handle kids. I like them but I don't think I want some for my own

25. Do you have any pets:
Not in a long time.

26. Do you want to change your name:
No. I like my name.

27. What did you do for your last birthday:
We had a party at our place. Mom always invites all my friends. I cut the cake. Then we played some stupid board games. It was fun though.

28.What time did you wake up today:
7:30am! What the hell is wrong with me!

29. What were you doing at midnight last night:
I fell asleep reading a book. So I must be sleeping with a book on my face.

30. Name something you CANNOT wait for :
Summer holidays!!

31. Last time you saw your father:
Last night at dinner

32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life:
One thing? There are hundreds of things I can change! I won't even get into the physical aspects part. I think I would like to be less lazy.

33. Most visited web page:


34. Name:

35. Nicknames:
Divs at school, Chinnu by mom. Dad calls me with a ton of pet names.

36. Zodiac sign:
Don't believe in Zodiac signs

37. Male or female or transgender :
ROFL @ Transgender. Is that the politically correct thing to ask these days? I am female.

38. Elementary:
Don't want to remember

39. Colleges:
Still in school. Hope to get into UCLA!

40. Hair color:

41. Long or short:
Medium I guess

42. Height:

43. Do you have a crush on someone?
Hell yeah!

44. Ever been in love?

45. Piercings?
Ears. I would LOVE to get a belly button ring. My mom would kill me just for asking. 4 of my classmates have belly button rings. One is even considering a nipple ring (ouch!!). I am probably too chicken to get a nipple ring but belly button ring, I want!

46. Tattoos?
Yeah, right! I would love to get a butterfly on my ankle or shoulder. This questionnaire is quickly turning into a wishlist. lol.

47. Righty or lefty:

48. First surgery:
None yet

49. First piercing:
Ears, when I was 2 or something

50. First best friend:
My cousin Swetha

51. First sport you loved:
Soccer! I still love it.

52. First pet :
Hammy, our pet hamster

53. First vacation:
I think Disneyland when I was 5

54. First concert:
Haven't been to any real concerts. Been to tons of Indian music "concerts".

55. First crush:
John in fifth grade, who later turned out to be an epic jerk

56. Eating:
Yes I do eat :P A LOT too

57. Drinking:
I prefer water most of the times. Coke or Orange juice some times.

58. I'm about to:
Get ready to go out with mom and Sis. We are supposed to go to this 'party' at mom's friend's place. I know how these parties are going to be - I can see myself sitting in a corner and playing with mom's iphone.

59. Listening to:
Random stuff on my computer


61. Want kids?
I don't think so. Too young to think of them anyway

62. Want to get married?
May be.

63. Careers in mind?
I want to get into engineering. I like computers or airospace. Let's see.


64. Lips or eyes:


65. Hugs or kisses:

66. Shorter or taller:

67. Older or Younger:
Doesn't matter I guess. But given the general maturity of boys I know, I think they have to be a lot older not to be the juvinile jerks I know.

68. Romantic or spontaneous:
They are the same :)

69. Nice stomach or nice arms:
Nice stomach

70. Sensitive or loud:
Depends on the mood

71. Hook-up or relationship:
At the moment, none :(

72. Trouble maker or hesitant:
Who knows when to be what


73. Kissed a stranger:

74. Lost glasses/contacts:
Thankfully, my vision is perfect :)

76. Broken some one's heart:
I would like to think so, haha. But I don't think so.

77. Had your own heart broken:

78. Been arrested:
Haha! With my criminal mind, I am sure I will be one day :D

79. Turned someone down:
For what? I turned a lot of people down for a lot of things. For example, my mom's friend was asking me if I want to play a part in the play they are putting together. I turned her down.

80. Cried when someone died:

81. Liked a friend that is a girl?:
Of course.


82. Yourself:
Most of the times :)

83. Miracles:
Nope. There are no such things.

84. God:

85. Love at first sight:

86. Heaven:

87. Santa Claus:
In malls, yes. In reality, no.

88. Kiss on the first date?
If the guy is well-mannered and cute, I won't mind.

89. Angels:
No. He he, although I call myself Devilish Angel

90. Devils:
None other than me


91. Is there one person you want to be with right now?
YES! Very much!

92. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time?
Haha! I won't even answer the question.

93. Wanted to kill someone ever?
I may have said, I want to kill somebody, but never meant it literally

94. Among your blog mates, whom would you like to kiss?
Don't have any blog mates yet

95. Committed a blunder and regretted later?
If you count my exams, it's every exam :D

96. Wanted to steal you friend's boyfriend / girlfriend? :
Hmm.. Ok, I better not answer that ;)


97. White:
Got a bunch of white tanktops. Can't think of anything else.

98. Black:
My black jeans

99. Red:

100. Pink:
I have EVERYTHING of pink. Top, pants, bra, panties, slippers, pajamas, nail polish you name it



  1. Hey Devilish angel! I love this! U are a lot like me...thnx for visiting. im gonna visit ur blog often. hey u can email me na! chk my prof for the email or on my blog. Im following u!

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  3. Ha ha..Very nice,
    very good answer for question no 20..I like it./...

  4. so sweet to know more about u Divya!!
